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The International Union for Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List lists over 30,000 endangered species. Of these, birds account for 14%. Many species, such as waterfowl and migratory birds, can only survive in certain environments, so birds are susceptible to environmental influences and are likely to lose populations.

In particular, survey results show that 52% of the approximately 550 species of birds of prey that live around the world are declining in population, and 18% are at risk of extinction. The main reason is the decline in habitat, but there are also many other factors that go unnoticed, such as electrocution from power lines and accidentally eating food that has been contaminated with herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. If the species at the top of the ecosystem declines, it could lead to environmental destruction, such as an abnormal increase in the animals below them.

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More than half of the world's birds of prey have declined

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